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'Alpinista de biquíni' cai de altura de 30 metros, avisa por telefone e o pior acontece

Gigi Wu, de 36 anos, mais conhecida como “alpinista de biquíni” nas redes sócias, foi encontrada morta na última terça-feira (22). O anúncio foi feito pelas autoridades de Taiwan. As informações são do Notícias ao Minuto. Acidente em escalada na Itália

Gigi Wu, de 36 anos, mais conhecida como “alpinista de biquíni” nas redes sócias, foi encontrada morta na última terça-feira (22). O anúncio foi feito pelas autoridades de Taiwan. As informações são do Notícias ao Minuto.

Segundo informações da imprensa local, a alpinista usou um telefone via satélite para avisar amigos que havia caído de um desfiladeiro no Parque Nacional de Yushan, em Taiwan.

De acordo com autoridades locais, no pedido de socorro, Wu disse aos amigos que havia caído de uma altura de 20 ou 30 metros e que não sentia os membros inferiores.

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RIP Gigi Wu "The Bikini Climber" #bikiniclimber

Uma publicação compartilhada por Ryan Hemming (@iamryan72) em

Autoridades locais informaram que a provável causa da morte de Wu foi hipotermia, já que no inverno as temperaturas em Taiwan caem abaixo de zero.

Gigi Wu se tornou famosas nas redes sociais por tirar fotos de biquíni no topo de montanhas que escalava.

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A Taiwanese hiker known for posting bikini clad photos from her summits has died after falling into a ravine during a solo trek. Gigi Wu managed to contact emergency services but bad weather delayed rescue operations, local media reports say. The 36-year-old is thought to have died of hypothermia. She was a popular figure on social media figure and messages on her Facebook pages pay tribute to her as an inspirational hiker. Ms Wu was alone on a multi-day tour of a mountain range in Taiwan's Yushan National Park, the reports say. While she was famous for posting pictures of herself in bikinis from summits, she was an experienced hiker, appearing to use proper equipment and precautions during her expeditions.According to Taiwan News, bad weather had prevented a rescue helicopter from reaching her three times. A rescue mission was eventually sent out on foot. Her body was found on Monday after temperatures had been around freezing point during the previous night, the Liberty Times cited rescue operators as saying. In a 2018 interview cited in Focus Taiwan, she explained she first got the idea of posting bikini photos after losing a bet with a friend. Her last Facebook post to her more than 18,000 followers is dated 18 January and shows the view from a mountain above the clouds. More than 1,000 people have since commented. Many posts were following the dramatic rescue operation, when it was not clear whether she was still alive. Later comments express their condolences, applauding her for having been an inspiration to the hiking community. #bikiniclimber #bikinihiker #gigiwu #YushanNationalPark #taiwan

Uma publicação compartilhada por Break the news. 📰 ( em

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Gigi Wu, wanita Taiwan yang dijuluki sebagai 'Bikini Climber' tewas setelah jatuh ke jurang sedalam 20-30 meter. Wu sempat menunggu tim penyelamat sebelum akhirnya tewas karena diduga mengalami hipotermia. Seperti dilansir Taiwan News dan media Inggris, The Independent, Selasa (22/1/2019), Gigi Wu diketahui masuk ke wilayah distrik Nantou pada 11 Januari lalu dan berniat mendaki Batongguan Historic Trail di Taman Nasional Yushan hingga 24 Januari. Namun sebelum mencapai tujuan, Wu yang berusia 36 tahun ini tergelincir dan jatuh ke jurang sedalam 20-30 meter. Tidak diketahui apakah dia mendaki sendirian atau mendaki dalam kelompok. Pada Sabtu (19/1) waktu setempat, Wu sempat meminta bantuan dengan telepon satelit yang dibawanya. Dengan telepon satelit itu, Wu menghubungi layanan darurat dan teman-temannya untuk memberi tahu bahwa dia jatuh ke jurang. Wu menyebut dirinya mengalami luka parah. Wu juga menyatakan bahwa dirinya tidak bisa menggerakkan bagian bawah tubuhnya setelah terjatuh ke jurang. Namun Wu berhasil memberitahu titik koordinat yang menjadi lokasi jatuhnya. Upaya penyelamatan dilakukan otoritas setempat dengan mengerahkan helikopter. Namun akibat cuaca buruk, helikopter penyelamat gagal menemukan lokasi Wu. Tim penyelamat pun berusaha menjangkau lokasi Wu dengan berjalan kaki. Lin Cheng-yi dari Dinas Pemadam Kebakaran dan Penyelamat Distrik Nantou menyebut bahwa tim penyelamat harus melakukan pendakian selama 28 jam untuk bisa mencapai lokasi Wu. Tim penyelamat hanya tidur selama 3 jam karena suhu udara sempat menurun drastis. Diketahui bahwa meski Taiwan merupakan negara tropis, suhu dingin menyelimuti area-area pegunungan setempat terutama yang tingginya mencapai di atas 3 ribu meter. Saat musim dingin, suhu udara di lereng pegunungan Taiwan bisa turun secara drastis di bawah titik beku. >> Sambungan berita liat dikomentar gaes, (Sumber : . Follow like dan komentar. . #inGOsekilas #berita #news #taiwan #gigiwu #bikiniclimber #pendakitewas #pendakigunung #hiking #seksi #bikini #like4like #beritamedan #follow4follow #penjelajah #pegipegi #travelling

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